Page name: Beavis and Butthead experience [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 17:37:54
Last author: inuhime
Owner: duckofdoom
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Beavis and Butthead experience

I thought it was about time these idiots had a wiki just to display the wonder of Beavis and Butthead.

If you don't know who Beavis and Butthead are...join anyway and you'll be educated in the way of Cornholio

 Use this as a banner for now. Hopefully in time I can make better one or somebody else could do it for me.

b&b banners



1. [duckofdoom]
2. [tuff ghost] Heh heh heh
3. [Miss.Kayree]
4. [Account No Longer Active] Bow down to the Almighty Bunghole.
5. [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]
6. [princess_ of _darkness]Lets be random!!!
7. [SlightlySpiked] I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!
8. [inuhime] Random

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2006-03-19 [tuff ghost]: Ohhh, yesh. But people seem to mind. :\

2006-03-19 [duckofdoom]: well i mind if people don't come and join our wiki dammit!!! it works both ways. heeh well I'll do something then..nobody reads your house stuff anymore...

2006-03-19 [tuff ghost]: Aye.

2006-03-19 [lordjoesnow]: put it in ur moods

2006-03-19 [duckofdoom]: that's a thought.

2006-03-20 [tuff ghost]: A very iiiinnteresting thought.....

2006-03-22 [lordjoesnow]: me? thinking? eh oh!

2006-03-23 [tuff ghost]: Yeah, but I don't like when people put it in their moods.... Their individuality has ceased to exsist, from my point of view, when they do that. O.o

2006-03-23 [Miss.Kayree]: hmn...

2006-03-24 [lordjoesnow]: you have an odd way of thinking :D

2006-03-27 [duckofdoom]: odd thinking is better than no thingking at all :P

2006-03-29 [Miss.Kayree]: i agree

2006-03-30 [princess_ of _darkness]: mind if i join???

2006-03-30 [Account No Longer Active]: I don't think they mind. I didn't even bother asking.

2006-03-31 [tuff ghost]: I don't mind. I consider myself enough of this wiki to make uber-important descisions.... *puffs out chest*  *then lets it deflate pathetically*

2006-04-07 [lordjoesnow]: ha!

2006-04-07 [tuff ghost]: So, uhhhh...

2006-04-08 [lordjoesnow]: uhh?

2006-04-08 [tuff ghost]: Uhh. 

2006-04-09 [lordjoesnow]: are we thinking or having sex? :S

2006-04-10 [Miss.Kayree]: who's having sex?

2006-04-10 [tuff ghost]: Me!

2006-04-10 [princess_ of _darkness]: i cant think so what else can i

2006-04-11 [Miss.Kayree]: lol

2006-04-11 [duckofdoom]: already somebody's trying to score..ahah..

2006-04-11 [tuff ghost]: who?

2006-04-12 [duckofdoom]: i do not know...I just felt like putting sonething here..I haven't for a how is everybody here?

2006-04-12 [princess_ of _darkness]: really bored!!!

2006-04-13 [tuff ghost]: WHY?! GODAMNIT!

2006-04-13 [princess_ of _darkness]: if ur talkin to me im indetention and a have a week and a half left and after im out im going right back in damnit!!!!

2006-04-13 [lordjoesnow]: lol! i laff at ur detension! ha!

2006-04-13 [tuff ghost]: DAMNIT!!!!.... what?

2006-04-13 [lordjoesnow]: nah!

2006-04-14 [tuff ghost]: hmmm. 

2006-04-14 [lordjoesnow]: dont u just hate it when ur frends leave elftown? and when they live in a different country?

2006-04-14 [tuff ghost]: Hmmm. Nah.

2006-04-15 [Miss.Kayree]: iiooowwwaaaa sucks.

2006-04-15 [duckofdoom]: what makes you say that ljs? someone left you did they? i'm not as into et as i first used to be..

2006-04-15 [lordjoesnow]: nah...shes probs just on her period...she'll be back in a week to apoligise lol

2006-04-15 [duckofdoom]: ahah god..funniest thing I've heard all day. by the way ever going to add yourselfto the list here yet or you're still in a rut?

2006-04-15 [princess_ of _darkness]: hey when gurlz sre on there period they are bitches trust me i know and she'll be back to be apoligentic

2006-04-15 [tuff ghost]: hmmm... I have a firend that moved to Iowa. Or Idaho.

2006-04-15 [princess_ of _darkness]: ...i have a frind that moved to Iowa his name was eddie

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: My friend moved to idaho and his name is John.

2006-04-16 [duckofdoom]: I know that there is a song called Own Private Idaho... aren't potatoes a big thing in idaho?

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: I'm pretty sure they are.

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: yep. like oranges and florida... and corn and iowa... and.. prostitutes and nevada...

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: Hmmm... ho.

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: ow... my life. Oo

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: Ho'ing is... your life?

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: ... sure!

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: Good money.

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: mleh... not today... it's a holiday

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: You kidding? animals don't care what day it is! Oh... you don't pleasure animals?

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: Well, whatever flips your skirt.

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: nope. no pleasure to animals. they can't handle money.

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: I understand. Hey.... [



2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: i did already

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: sheesh.

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: I'm not even talking to you, butt monkey. 

2006-04-16 [tuff ghost]: This is directed at the entire wiki. Hmmm.... So I kind of was talking to you.

2006-04-16 [Miss.Kayree]: hmn. indeedy.

2006-04-17 [lordjoesnow]: im not a loser, so i wont taKe your poll :P

2006-04-17 [princess_ of _darkness]: i took your poll so im now a fucking loser good 4 me so ant thing new in the world???? oh and ho-ing arond man i heard theres alot of kinky bastards out there

2006-04-17 [duckofdoom]: well as much as hoinh is such an interesting topic..I've just begun my college I've got 2 weeks starting from today of solid bludging!!

2006-04-17 [princess_ of _darkness]: oh sounds bet ur happy...

2006-04-17 [tuff ghost]: LJS. You're rather dumb.

2006-04-18 [duckofdoom]: as fun as bludging can be!! wow..we have dumb people here? on a beavis and butthead wiki? no way! :P

2006-04-18 [princess_ of _darkness]: Oh man how'd that happen??? :)

2006-04-18 [lordjoesnow]: i took ur poll....i chose the unpopular option...cos i didnt know either of em lol

2006-04-18 [Account No Longer Active]: Um....Brian May isn't on that pole.

2006-04-18 [tuff ghost]: Er, yes. And I apologize terribly for it. I'm mostly just trying to prove a point. Anders says that the apprentice (omar) can overcome the master (jimmy) I disagree in this instance.

2006-04-19 [duckofdoom]: who the feck is Brian May?? well at least you don't use bombs to prove your point :P

2006-04-19 [princess_ of _darkness]: well no one has a bomb to prove their point to my acnowledge

2006-04-19 [duckofdoom]: better watch the news more often..I'm not going to get political..that's not very beavis or butthead of me..

2006-04-19 [princess_ of _darkness]: me watch news hello i have to be high to do that and even that i still cant pay attention

2006-04-19 [tuff ghost]: I like politics. But beavis doesn't. He likes marshmallows on graham crackers.

2006-04-20 [Account No Longer Active]: Brian May, [duckofdoom] is the lead guitarist for the greatest band ever.....QUEEN! The geniuses behind huge hits such as Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, Another One Bites The Dust, Under Pressure (with David Bowie)....and so on and so forth. Ring any bells?

2006-04-20 [duckofdoom]: Indeed I do. See I have this annoying habit of never learning the names of all the band memebers...

2006-04-20 [tuff ghost]: Brian may is a kick arse guitarist. One of the best, for sure. I love him in 'Hammer To Fall.'

2006-04-21 [Account No Longer Active]: It's all good. Queen is the ONLY band I know all the members of. I'm completely obbsessed with them.

2006-04-21 [tuff ghost]: Led Zeppelin for me.

2006-04-21 [Account No Longer Active]: They rock too.

2006-04-21 [tuff ghost]: Uh. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... *takes breath* urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

2006-04-22 [lordjoesnow]: errr....the guitarist for korn is the best :P lol

2006-04-22 [Account No Longer Active]: Didn't he leave the band to follow Christ or something? Or was that the lead singer? I dunno, I really hate Korn.

2006-04-22 [tuff ghost]: That's uber lame on his part.... And I totally agree w/ Melody.  I despise Korn. And corn.

2006-04-23 [Account No Longer Active]: Buttery corn is the best. Heh. Corn. Cornholio. Heh.

2006-04-23 [lordjoesnow]: wa...whats wrong with korn? (it was the guitarist who left lol)

2006-04-23 [tuff ghost]: Heh he. Corn... Cornholio. He he. Nice deduction, MLW

2006-04-23 [duckofdoom]: ahah korn kinda went backward musically. I don't mind them..I wouldn't go see them though.

2006-04-23 [Account No Longer Active]: I'm not into metal really. Just Rob Zombie. I don't kow if Evenescence would be considerd heavy metal. But, the greatest music ever is from the 70's and 80'.

2006-04-23 [tuff ghost]: Evanescence... Ew. 70's, mostly. 80's kind of freak me out. I mean, they lead into the 90's.

2006-04-23 [Account No Longer Active]: Hey, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys and N'Sync are from the 90's.

2006-04-23 [tuff ghost]: Precisely.

2006-04-23 [Account No Longer Active]: You have got to admit, some of their stuff is half decent.

2006-04-23 [tuff ghost]: ;; Britney Spears "Girl In The Mirror" is the only one I'll admit to.

2006-04-23 [Miss.Kayree]: spice girls are hilarious...

2006-04-23 [tuff ghost]: Omg, yeah! In fourth grade I danced to them at our talent show. It was uber embarassing, after it got spread around O.o

2006-04-25 [lordjoesnow]: wait britney spears did a song called girl in the mirror? what a Cunt!

2006-04-26 [tuff ghost]: HEY!! It was the best one. And the girl in the mirror.... Is meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh, that girl in the mirror... Is me.

2006-04-26 [Miss.Kayree]: ...I'm assuming you're standing near it then. :)

2006-04-26 [tuff ghost]: Well. Yes.

2006-04-27 [Miss.Kayree]: Spiffyness

2006-04-27 [lordjoesnow]: lol no im annoyed cos michael jackson di a song called man in the mirror

2006-04-27 [Account No Longer Active]: Micheal Jackson kinda rocks.

2006-04-28 [duckofdoom]: evanescence..not heavy metal..not even metal..heeh not even the diet coke of metal. ahaha. I'm just loving the latest Lacuna Coil album out..

2006-04-28 [Account No Longer Active]: I'm going to see Lacuna Coil at a concert on Sunday. And Rob Zombie. And Staind, Mudvaynes Seether, Evan's Blue....yeah, All at once.

2006-04-29 [lordjoesnow]: they all sound crap lol! ive heard lacuna coil...dosnt do it for me..and staind cant sing

2006-04-29 [Account No Longer Active]: I'm usually real picky about the singer being ableto really sing (that's why I love Queen so much, because Freddie has the voice of an angel) but in the case of all those bands, I just wanna mosh. ^.^

2006-04-29 [duckofdoom]: mudvayne were fantastic when they came here!! what do you like then ljs? please don't say techno or dance...i get itchy about those..:P

2006-04-29 [lordjoesnow]: no! lol hate dance! my fav bands are rasmus linkin park him korn keane distrubed velvet revolver..system

2006-04-30 [Account No Longer Active]: I saw Velvet Revolver last year at the same concert last year. They SUCKED. I'm sorry, but they're a studio band.

2006-04-30 [tuff ghost]: Velvet Revolver is super lame. And so is linkin Park. Why don't you take Beavis and Buttheads example.

2006-04-30 [lordjoesnow]: velvet revolver probs are a studio band..but i like them lol...they are not lame...LINKIN PARK definatly arnt lame...what shit do u listen to? i bet u its shit..

2006-04-30 [tuff ghost]: No way, Jose'. A complete list can be found on my house, butt monkey. Psssssssssst!! Any band with a rapper innit is lame.

2006-05-01 [Account No Longer Active]: ROB ZOMBIE IS ABSO-BLOODY-FANTASTIC LIVE!!

2006-05-01 [princess_ of _darkness]: well heavy metal/ rock is the best way to go!!! every thing else is ... oh and i : blushes: use to be in a spice girls fan club!!!

2006-05-01 [tuff ghost]: Eh, everyone was.

2006-05-02 [duckofdoom]: linkin park lost all its credibility to me when they did the mash up thing.... hell yeah for metal...whatever happened to rasmus? they had two songs..then nothing...

2006-05-02 [princess_ of _darkness]: and have no clue but the songs rocked!!!

2006-05-02 [lordjoesnow]: Pokemon, The Movie, Soundtrack (With songs from and inspired by the movie) was ur best artist lol..i love that soundtrack. Linkin Park Jay z was terrible!!! i hate it! i cant beleive i wasted 9 quid on the album! and rasmus released an album months ago which is miles better than dead letters. they released 2 songs from this new one too 'sail away' and 'no fear' silly:P and from dead letters theyve done 'in the shadows'and...other ones not a fan of in the shadows..its theyre unreleased songs that i love mostest

2006-05-03 [duckofdoom]: guilty and in the shadows was released here, they aren't very well known here, so it looks like I'm heading back to the underground music store again :P.. dude you went and brought the lp crazy crap..aww poor you..go sell it and make a few dollars before everyone realises how shite it really is. quick!!! heheh

2006-05-03 [princess_ of _darkness]: i like some of the songs lp did but the one with jay z needs to be burned it fucking sucks!!!

2006-05-03 [lordjoesnow]: aye, and i live in england so i cant make dollars on it lol

2006-05-03 [tuff ghost]: huhhhhhhhhhhhh.....?

2006-05-04 [princess_ of _darkness]: wow thats random sorta

2006-05-04 [duckofdoom]: oh make pounds and pence and shillings..i wonder why we got rid of that system 40 odd years ago..? :P joking..well make a few pounds from it.

2006-05-04 [princess_ of _darkness]: yeah find awsy to get rid of it

2006-05-04 [tuff ghost]: awsy... WAYS!!! WAYS! I figured it out!! *is smug*

2006-05-05 [duckofdoom]: hahah I thought awsy was some government official... oh you could always chuck in it a charity bin when nobody's watching...

2006-05-05 [princess_ of _darkness]: okay i fucked up my typing so what but yeah thats a good idea too maybe give it to a bum... so he has to find away to ditch it...

2006-05-05 [princess_ of _darkness]: and no spelling fuck ups :grins:

2006-05-05 [tuff ghost]: the bum could sharpen it on the sidewalk and use it to cut his unruly beard.

2006-05-06 [Account No Longer Active]: Some bum here in Orlando topped his class at the communtiy college.

2006-05-06 [tuff ghost]: Did he go to school and then become a bum, or the other way around?

2006-05-06 [Account No Longer Active]: No. He was a bum, then he went to school.

2006-05-06 [duckofdoom]: ahah imagine hobo college..brilliant!!

2006-05-06 [Account No Longer Active]: It's actually one of the top ten community colleges in the nation. Valencia.

2006-05-06 [duckofdoom]: wow. sounds very scholastic. congrats to him though.

2006-05-06 [Account No Longer Active]: Yeah man. He gives me hope. I'm going there. If a bum can do it, so can I. Although, I wouldn't be suprised if his GPA in highschool was higher than mine is.

2006-05-07 [lordjoesnow]: u have a college called valencia? and its not in spain?!?!?!

2006-05-07 [Account No Longer Active]: Yeah man. The area is primarily that might have something to do with it.

2006-05-07 [lordjoesnow]: i dont get it

2006-05-07 [Account No Longer Active]: Orlando....Florida....where I live and where the college is, is mostly Hispanics....The fact that it is this way, might have something to do with the college being called Valencia....

2006-05-07 [tuff ghost]: I didn't get it either.  I thought you were dissing spanish people by saying that was why the bum could graduate. Or something.

2006-05-08 [Account No Longer Active]: Nooooo.....just forget it. I wasn't joking though. I love Spanish people, by the way, so you don't think I'm racist or anything.

2006-05-08 [duckofdoom]: when somebody says Valencia I immediately think of oranges. :) perhaps we should move on before any total mayhem occurs

2006-05-08 [princess_ of _darkness]: the college here sux

2006-05-08 [tuff ghost]: Here where?

2006-05-08 [tuff ghost]: I'm going to Madison.

2006-05-08 [lordjoesnow]: im going to go offlien!

2006-05-08 [tuff ghost]: O___o Good for your mother.

2006-05-09 [princess_ of _darkness]: Michigan State University (in Lansing)

2006-05-09 [lordjoesnow]: wha!? stop being american!

2006-05-09 [princess_ of _darkness]: huh??? you lost me soo bad...

2006-05-09 [tuff ghost]: I don't like America. It bothers me. It's almost as bad as Turkey... O___o

2006-05-10 [Account No Longer Active]: I love America. AMERICA, AMERICA! GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEEEE!!!!! Please.....we really need it.

2006-05-10 [duckofdoom]: well i go to ultimo your turn to go what what do you all study then?

2006-05-10 [Account No Longer Active]: Everything. Depending on what your interests are.

2006-05-10 [princess_ of _darkness]: im going to study how to be an mortician

2006-05-10 [Account No Longer Active]: That's creepy. But interesting. The Baby Boomers are going to start dying off soon.

2006-05-10 [tuff ghost]: ... I job-shadowed a mort. It was extremely boring. This lady had her cat's cremated and put in little jars at the foot o' her coffin... That part was actually pretty cool.

2006-05-11 [Account No Longer Active]: Aww. Makes me think of Ancient Egypt.

2006-05-11 [duckofdoom]: My pathology class had a girl..she was a mortician too. She told us these stories about how she found a foetus once..very sad...

2006-05-11 [princess_ of _darkness]: that is really sad

2006-05-11 [Account No Longer Active]: Poor little foetus. Baby, I should say.

2006-05-12 [tuff ghost]: foetus? what do you mean, she found it? 

2006-05-12 [princess_ of _darkness]: :( d.o.d told us the lady did...

2006-05-12 [tuff ghost]: d.o.d? 

2006-05-13 [lordjoesnow]: whats pathology, morticians????

2006-05-14 [tuff ghost]: Or roadmapping?

2006-05-14 [princess_ of _darkness]: im lost what were we talking about???? XP

2006-05-14 [tuff ghost]: I'm not quite sure...

2006-05-14 [Account No Longer Active]: Come to Butthead. Ahhhh....

2006-05-15 [princess_ of _darkness]: guess what this weekend i went over to a friends house and we got and dancing elmo an dwe cut a whole on it and put a dildo in it with a chain of ballz and gave it to this little gurl that was playing in her yard and she asked her mom what it was...I was awsome

2006-05-15 [Account No Longer Active]: Poor little girl. You popped the cherry in her virgin eyes.

2006-05-15 [tuff ghost]: Sheesh. Scar her enough?!

2006-05-16 [princess_ of _darkness]: no she already saw her mom and dad doing it so her eyes arnt virgins....

2006-05-16 [Account No Longer Active]: I remember I walked in on my parents once....I didn't understand it until sex ed 7 years later.

2006-05-17 [princess_ of _darkness]: ouch... I would have thrown up after that, i mean your parents gross!!!

2006-05-17 [Account No Longer Active]: I dunno, but I think I might've passed out, because I don't remember anything else after that initial,"Why's mommy's head all the way down there?"

2006-05-17 [tuff ghost]: Ewww! I've never been unfortunate enough to walk in on my parents, but all this talk is disturbing me to an extreme.

2006-05-18 [princess_ of _darkness]: lets change the subject okay....ummm... so whats new??? any one???

2006-05-18 [tuff ghost]: I like pears.

2006-05-19 [Account No Longer Active]: I hate pears.

2006-05-19 [tuff ghost]: Damn you. 

2006-05-19 [princess_ of _darkness]: pears are awsome they have a cool shape

2006-05-19 [Account No Longer Active]: Cool shape. Nasty taste. I like oranges. I've lived in Fla. too long to not like them.

2006-05-19 [tuff ghost]: Oranges are good some times. But mostly not times.

2006-05-20 [princess_ of _darkness]: i love black cherries they are the best specially the ones with the pits!!!

2006-05-21 [Account No Longer Active]: Ew. Cherries. Blackberries ae good though.

2006-05-21 [tuff ghost]: Straight from the... vine?

2006-05-21 [Account No Longer Active]: Yes. Straight from the whever the Hell they come from. 

2006-05-22 [tuff ghost]: Hell. With a capital 'h'? Hmmm.... I sawed the Da Vinci Code.

2006-05-22 [Account No Longer Active]: Sorry...hell, then. Really? Is it any good?

2006-05-22 [tuff ghost]: Yes. I was impressed.

2006-05-22 [Account No Longer Active]: I want to read the book, but my dad is kinda ify about it. I refuse to watch movies until I read the book.

2006-05-22 [tuff ghost]: You're da's a god-fearing mortal?

2006-05-22 [Account No Longer Active]: Yeah.

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